We're moving.

 Those of you who’ve been around awhile know moving house has been a way of life for us over our 30+ years together. If you’re new here, no worries. Here’s a summary...

We’re moving . . . again.

Those of you who’ve been around awhile know moving house has been a way of life for us over our 30+ years together.

If you’re new here, no worries. Here’s a summary:

When we met I (Deb) lived in the Chicago suburbs. We dated long-distance for a year, then I moved to Philly.

During our 20+ years in Philly we moved 5 times – the last one while Dave was still in chemo following his brain tumor and surgery.

During our 6 years in L.A. we moved three times – and bought 3 other properties – including an island in upstate NY and a farmhouse in southern Virginia.

I lived alone at each of them at various points during the 2 years when we were transitioning back to the East Coast.

We moved to Baltimore almost 3 years ago – to a lovely two-bedroom apartment that I rented sight-unseen, following my intuition. Turned out, it was perfect for us.

The third property we bought during our time in California was Dave’s mom’s house in Philly, the house he grew up in.

Around this time last year, we realized how unsafe it was for her to be there alone and started splitting time between our apartment in Baltimore and that house.

Once she agreed to move in with us, we bought a house in Baltimore. She moved in last November. We’ve been living in one physical location for 10 months now.

Every single one of the physical properties we’ve lived in, and the lands in and around them, has held us and nourished us, challenged us, and changed us.

We’ve since sold the island, the house in southern Virginia and, most recently, Dave’s mom’s house.

So, you may — or may not— be surprised to hear that we’re moving again.

Not houses though.

We’re moving our place in the world of the interwebs.

When we expand and grow as humans, so often our physical worlds need to change too.

At least that’s been our experience and that of many of my clients and friends.

We are definitely in a time of expansion and transformation over here.

Not expansion like “we went from 50k to 7 figures in 6 months!” (Who knows? Maybe we will!), but the kind of expansion that a seed makes when it breaks open to become a flower, or a vegetable, or a tree.

The kind of transformation that caterpillars undergo when they become a puddle of mush on the way to being a moth or butterfly – a being that can literally FLY.

We’re growing.

Up and out of the boxes we’ve lived in for decades.

Or perhaps, if you count the DNA of our ancestors that we hold in our bodies (or if you believe in reincarnation) — for centuries.

We’d love for you to come with us on this adventure into the unknown. If the journey calls to you.

 There will undoubtedly be bumps and obstacles, sharp turns in the road, foggy nights when we can barely see the next step.

There will be terrifying creatures that step into our path and block the way. And we will not fight and resist them. We will work with, in and through them.

Not perfectly. Sometimes we will forget. But that’s our intention.

We will carry our scared parts along as we continue to creatively step forward with courage.

Because we’re part of the global team that’s ushering in the Age of Love, with the help of the rising of the Divine Feminine.

Holding space for the healing of the Toxic Masculine.

Bringing a close to the Age of Sacrifice and Violence.

Opening new possibilities.

Sound “woo-woo.”? It is.

AND it really isn’t.

Historically, through global colonization, there was a systematic suppression, not just of actual human individuals who were women, but of those peoples and cultures who understood the more feminine aspects of the Divine as well.

  • Indigenous peoples.

  • People living in brown and black bodies.

  • Healers and herbalists of all kinds. Dancers.

  • Celtic Forest Priestesses

  • Tantric practitioners sacred sexuality.

Ever wondered why all that oppression was necessary? Think about it.


It wasn’t because these ways of being were weird and impractical.

It was because these ways of being hold power and would not be controlled.


And science is starting to catch up.

Showing that we’re all connected energetically. Demonstrating the ways that movement and sound heal our bodies.

Discovering that what indigenous healers heard the plants singing to them about their healing properties aligns with what modern science shows they can do for the body.

Spiritual. And scientific. Mysterious. And practical. Both. And.

 Here at Thriving for Equity, Inc. we’re doing this sacred, spiritual work in very practical, embodied, on-the-ground ways, including:

  • Helping women solopreneurs to create business models that enable them to thrive financially while they infuse racial equity and cultural safety into their business models.

  • Supporting Black leaders of nonprofit and social impact organizations to thrive themselves while they create well-resourced, vibrant organizations.

  • Co-creating with accomplished, and exhausted, leaders lives that not only change the world, but are also filled with vitality, joy and deeply satisfying relationships — and deep rest too.

  • And more.

If all this sounds awesome to you – or you’re just curious. Stick around.

We’d love to take you along with us.

If it feels like we’re heading in a direction that’s not for you. Hit unsubscribe.

And take with you so many blessings from us and much gratitude for walking with us this far.

We trust you to know you – and we know over-crowded inboxes are definitely not supportive of thriving!


Here’s to Thriving and Equity, Big Impact and Big Joy.

You don’t have to choose one or the other.


Financial Flourishing Tip #1 from a former CFO


Ending the Age of Sacrifice - Part 2