Make it TINY
May you bless the close of 2023 with joy and grief and whatever else is true. You can hold all of it. -- We’re on Day 3 of tips for a Joyful January. One more tip is coming your way tomorrow!
Make it TINY
Make the change TINY.
The part of you that gets really hyped and manic with “I’m going to change my life” energy probably wants a much bigger, sexier, more exciting commitment.
But that part probably also doesn’t like to show up when the path gets boring.
Or when you didn’t sleep well.
Or when old thought patterns show up and tell you it’s not worth trying anymore.
So I suggest that you give that part a snack and a hug and ask for a little space to try something new. Try tiny.
When I say tiny, I do mean tiny!
My longest stint of consistent exercise in my life prior to this time consisted of 3 repetitions of half of a sun salutation (i.e. about 3 minutes of yoga) that I did everyday.
That was it.
I did that consistently for over 6 months, with almost no exceptions. It wasn’t much, but since it was so small my ability to tell myself that I didn’t have time to do it was greatly diminished. Making it tiny is another way to Make it Easy.
Less resistance. More success.
So whatever it is you want to change, think of a step you can take in that direction. Then cut it in half. Then cut it in half again.
Make it tiny. Make it tinier. And start to harness the joyful “I did it!” energy of success. More about that tomorrow.